Does rain bloom ???

Well I have always heard that the morning sunlight always along with it brings rays of hope. It always should make you feel that at the end of the day the word surreal prevails in its own context, or let it put it as victory ensembles over darkness.
According to me there is a protruded symantec barrier between the light and the darkness, although the light and the dark are so inter related. There resemblance in our life is so very unified,darkness is always emancipated by light, even when their self personificated charecter distinguishes their identity in so many different ways. Both have their own enigma and few a million mysteries which always extrudes along their face.
When gauging an ocean from distance, it's immense and intense profanity seems, just as large as the length of our palm. But when we come across it or face it, we not only get to realise the entangled variations, but also the distance by which our imaginations vary from reality. I guess thats what they call surreal and real. Realisation of such deviations is as important as breathing air coz it helps us perspire life through the path we want it to go.Imagination when lucid is just like a shadow, which walks with you and your existence. Doesn't really stop until you stop inhibiting that sultry light which refines itself in to a pragmatic dream. Which universally leads to UTTER DESTRUCTION, mostly mentally.
But what creates this deviations ? That's what we got to find out. Well emotions mostly, distance at times and mostly it's ur surreal mind.
Well one example: it is easy to relate your girl to the surreal beauty of the moon, but do we realise that moon also has craters.
Well as I see emotions, our surreal mind and the distance affecting our entire thought process. Well emotions are destructive, they are a catalyst which not only ignites but it also converges you in to a distinct diabolical mind at large.
It's better not to think much and mostly realise the reality at large and identify the soil you really belong to. Coz your life is like a tree and you grow it the best when you belong to your soil.

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